Added Features
- Dual Flashrom detection, the new firmware can now automatically detect which firmware ROM is found [T3057]
- Add BACS Logfile Export Function [T3023]
- All OEMs may now replace their logo thru Drag & Drop [T278/#3056]
- UPS Alert History now downloadable as file [T3216]
- Added license info on page System > About, Stripped board no. from 'Serial No.' on page System > About.
- SNMP Passwords now optional visible [T3252]
- Added more polish translations [T2891]
Bug Fixes
- At EVENTs Power Restored it is now possible to delay timing actions [T63/#3325]
- E-Mail (SMTP)change for MS Outlook Server 2016: Enabled NTLM authentication mechanism and changed default from 'PLAIN' to ANONYMOUS
- User interface optimizations: Inconsistent user menau on pages 'SNMP Agent' [T3268], removed messagebox after update [T280/#3054],
- Forwarding Screen message at IP configuration change [T2893]
- Reset admin password did not work with previous version [T3276]
- Restore from old Backup Files fixed [T3325]
- RCCMD Job now allows the use of hostnames [T3052]
- Scheduler job dialog may store invalid cron strings [T3326]
- UNMS, Email Traps, mailHeartbeatError was not displayed with previous version, fixed with [T3266]
- UPS Thresholds for 'Output Load' inverted, fixed with [T3293]
- UPS Custom Thresholds removed invalid menues [T3267] and adds functions [T3311]
- BACS startup process hangs if the UPS was disabled, fixed with this version [T3239]
- Scheduler Job Labels for UPS Battery Tests were inconsisten, fixed with [T3242]
- Smaller fixes in UPS configuration menue [T3246]
- Wizard: Automatic activation of "Check Firmware Update" deleted previous entries, fixed with [T3263]
- Menue "system time" in IE11 too small, fixed with [T3299]
- Menue "power" VA and "load" VA size changed [T3246]
- Ablerex UPS devices functions missing switching buttons added [T328/#2995]
- BACS Modules show from time to time a RED led, although now alarm is present. Workaround introduced [T79/#3306]
OEM customer specific features, changes and fixes
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOSTAR AS IV": Status Text and Events [T3143] + [T3144]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOSTAR AS IV": Page „BATTERY“ changed, [T3141] operation hours [T3138]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOSTAR AS IV": Page „IN2“, Frequenz [T3139] and Page „DC LINK“ current added [T3140]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOSTAR AS IV": Page “PHASE” [T3142] and changes on synoptic [T3147] + [T3148]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOSTAR AS IV": Change in synoptic [T3146]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOJET T II": Page „OUT2“ fixed [T3275]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "UNIBLOCK UBT IV": Fix in synoptic [T3274] + [T3298]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "AP Premium" : Fix in synoptic with Firefox [T3301]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOJET": Fix in synoptic page „OUT2“ [T3279], removed german as language [T3277]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOJET T II / APOJET LVR": Page „OUT2“ added [T3132]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOJET T II / APOJET LVR": Hide 'Standard' page [T3127]
- OEM 003/PILLER: "APOJET T II / APOJET LVR": Status Text and Events [T3133]
- OEM 004/ONLINE: $$PREXTXANTO change on autonomytime and UPS Functions [T3248]
- OEM 006/EMERSON/VERTIV: 90NET, $$PXSER, Outputvalues to UPS Screen added [T3208]
- OEM 008/LEGRAND: $$JBUSDAKER: Protokollchanges [T3006]
- OEM 008/LEGRAND: Daker DK Plus $$JBUSDAKER Screen changes according to LEGRAND insctructions [T3223]
- OEM 012/GENEREX: UPS ABLEREX $$PRABLER2 UPS screen fix for Output Frequency [T3217]
- OEM 016/EATON: $$PWXCP Protokollerweiterung [T3094]
- OEM 016/EATON: $$PWXCP: PW 9170 12.0 Plus communication did not start [T104/#3267]
- OEM 022/BORRI: Problem with Autonomytime Display at EVO-Protocolls fixed [T2947]
- OEM 028/AKKUTRONIK: X-Plus TE 10kVA $$MBTAURUS DataLog.csv logging fixed [T3076]
- OEM 035/WAERTSILA: $$JOVY, $$JOVYIB: UPS internal AlarmLog added [T3295]
- OEM 036/ABB: $$CONCE: Bugfix Status "Input AUX Bad" if there is no 16,7Hz System detected
- OEM 036/ABB: CONCE Screen - Modulevalues from Report "ups.modules" compiled [T528/#2713]
- OEM 044/Henkelhausen: Changed EAST HE-PX 3160 Modular = $$MEGA and EAST HE-PX 3600 Modular = $$MEGA
- OEM 045/WOEHRLE STS 3000-4000 STSTUMEL added
- OEM 050/CENTIEL: $$CENTIEL False alarms [T3336]
- OEM 050/CENTIEL: $$CENTIEL SNMP Protocol, bad input frequency [T3287]
- OEM 058/SIEL: EMM Multimeter, Adjusting Values in UPS Screen [T3120]
- OEM 058/SIEL: Solar DSP, $$SIELINVDSP, Screen added [T3197]
- OEM 058/SIEL: SOLAR Inverter, $$SIELINV, Screen added in CS141 [T3199]
- OEM 066/AKI: $$SENT2 (SENTRY MS/S): Via SNMP Bypass- and Outputvoltage changed to 0 in random [T3294]
- OEM 078/SICOTEC: "SLC ADAPT-X 10-90kVA" $$MBSALIRM, Autonomytime did not change, fixed with [T3228]
- OEM 081/CET: Redundancy lost alarm added to TSI [T188]
- OEM 082/SALICRUC: $$AEGSER Full Battery Test failure [T3098]
- OEM 087/ADPOS: Added MID J K RT