Reseller Application

Contact information

Please enter the name of your business

Please enter the name of the contact person within your business

Please enter your position within your business

Please enter the email address of your business

Please enter your email address for order confirmations

Please enter your email address for sending invoices

Please enter the telephone number of your business

Please enter the FAX number of your business

Address information

Please enter the address of your business

Please enter the city in which your business is located

Please enter the zip code of your business

Please enter the country in which your business is located

Business information

Please enter the business registration number of your business

Please enter the value added tax ID number(EU) of your business

Financial information

Please enter your business's turnover of UPS or battery products

Please enter your estimated turnover for GENEREX products

Please enter the credit institute of your business

Please enter the account number of your business

Please enter the location of the bank of your business

For all new resellers, the first order is required to be pre-paid by bank transfer or paypal before delivery.