Additional devices to ensure a good system status
A facility management system is more than “just a few wires”; it is an organically growing system structure that also has been open to unconventional solutions. Ultimately, that is because, when first implementing it, you cannot know what demands a system like that will have to meet and, in general, such adjustments are seldom made voluntarily:
- Changes in statutory specifications
- Changes in the usage profile of the spaces
- Technical further developments and new standards
GENEREX offers a comprehensive range of special accessories and system add-ons with which you can add several features to your existing systems today for long-term and sustainable planning security:
- Temperature sensors, gas sensors, pressure sensors, fire protection sensors
- Access control systems, motion detectors, burglary protection
- Expanded communicating with super ordinate and subordinate systems
- Interfaces between hardware and software (e.g. via remote Syslog, RCCMD, etc.)
- Adapters to connect island systems to create an overall system
- UPS and battery monitoring concepts
- Automated emergency management on site