Added Features
- Add RCCMD variables to the parameters of the Job EMail [T3785]
- BACS Threshold "Current Difference between Strings" [T4116]
- Offer option for simultaneous use of "MODBUS over TCP" and "RS485" [T4287]
- Option to Display 2 Jars per Module on BACS Monitor for Nicd Batteries [T4049]
Changed Functionality
- Hide Energy Meter Page if no data available [T4233]
- Increase BACS Voltage Threshold range for the low Alarm [T4266]
- Configuring the RCCMD job "Shutdown" as broadcast requires the entry of an IP subnet [T4191]
- Change email option "send copy on all emails" to "automatically send an email on important" events
Bug Fixes
- Rsyslog: In case of network errors the communication to the server is interrupted [T4288]
- The configured host name does not appear within the DHCP server [T4251]
- bacsAlarmsPresent variable does not change after alarms clear [T4297]
- Archived Datalog contains only the current Datalog values after download [T4273]
- $$PREXT: Implementation of new Voltronic Multidrop Protocol [T4151]
- Rsyslog sender should send configured host name [T4260]
- $$KSTAR: Invalid value for not connected Ambient Temperature Sensor [T4215]
- BACS: Round display of dynamic impedance thresholds to 2 decimal places [T4309]
- The same parameters should be available for the scheduler email job as for the event email job [T4308]
- Rsyslog does not send messages in case of the CS141 reboots without a valid syslog server [T4313]
OEM customer specific features, changes and fixes
- OEM 002: Removed UPS model Protect B Pro (LCD) [T4045]
- OEM 003: Remove UPS Monitor Screen for Model "IP-Control" and "IP-Master Control" [T4249]
- OEM 004: $$PREXTXANTO, UPS Functions: Its not possible to switch the UPS on [T4234]
- OEM 004: $$PREXTZINTO, UPS Functions: Its not possible to switch the UPS on [T4232]
- OEM 007: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 008: Added "KEOR Compact" using protocol $MBTAURUS from ABLEREX
- OEM 012: Added "micro 12VDC/24VDC/48VDC" protocol PRFLEX
- OEM 012: Added "Kronos" series from ABLEREX
- OEM 017: Added UPS Modell "MD-6000T 6kVA/6kW" and "HUAWEI UPS2000-G"
- OEM 017: ML-T 800, $$PREXT, display of the nominal power is not correct [T4322]
- OEM 021: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 022: Event added for UPSTYP 5 "A35 Diesel Mode Off"
- OEM 026: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 028: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 028: UPS Custom Threshold Extension $$MBTAURUS [T4298]
- OEM 032: Workaround for missing batterypack at Adira implemented
- OEM 034: Added protocol "APC Easy UPS 3L/3M" as OEM version from INVT protocol $$MBSALIRM
- OEM 035: JOVYCUBE-T4S, $$WAERTSILA, the value of the battery current is not at present via SNMP [T4292]
- OEM 036: $$CONCE: Extend Mains and Bypass Frequencies by decimal digits [T4253]
- OEM 038: Event added for UPSTYP 5 "A35 Diesel Mode Off"
- OEM 039: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 041: EVEREST Triera ETR33100, $$PRPYRDSP, UPS screen is not displayed correctly [T4226]
- OEM 048: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 050: $$Centiel UPS "Not reachable" in UNMS [T4252]
- OEM 050: $$CENTIEL, SNMP values for input frequency phase 2 and 3 are not at present [T4228]
- OEM 051: Mitsubishi 1100A additional fault codes [T4317]
- OEM 053: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 055: $$JBUSP, Battery Bad should be displayed at screen [T4284]
- OEM 055: MASTERYS GP4 10-40, $$JBUSMODULYS, some measurements are displayed faulty [T4294]
- OEM 055: Added SOCOMEC modular protocol and name "JBUS Statys" using protocol $JBUSSTATYS
- OEM 057: Implementation "EL MOD" [T4160]
- OEM 058: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 059: Added "Continuity-Plus", "TRI-Power X33KE 10-40kVA", "TRI-Power X31SE ACT, EXT series
- OEM 060: DFM SELECT - Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 062: With a single-phase rectifier, the DC output current of the rectifier is displayed at the AC current values [T4244]
- OEM 064: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 065: Elinex UNMS/CS141 Diesel Generator Implementation [T3933]
- OEM 065: Added "Centiel Essential Power"
- OEM 066: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 070: Implementation of new "UPS Type 17" [T4272]
- OEM 070: Implementation of new "UPS Type 18" [T4302]
- OEM 070: Event added for UPSTYP 5 "A35 Diesel Mode Off"
- OEM 071: Added "E4 PRO ONE" with protocol $$PREXT and "E7 ONE RT"
- OEM 077: Added UPS Model "SENTRYUM" using $GPSER
- OEM 078: STATYS added using protocol $JBUSSTATYS
- OEM 082: New Salicru SLC CUBE 4 >30KVA Modbus IN72602 [T4202]
- OEM 082: $$MBCUBE2: New functions and jobs: "Switch UPS To Bypass", "Switch Load To Inverter/Online Mode" [T4291]
- OEM 095: Screen modifications "Statron S3100 UPS/Statron S3300 UPS" [T4271]