Powerful analysis tools for experts
With the BACS®VIEWER, GENEREX provides a select collection of software tools with which you have complete control of your battery systems.
Most battery failures seem random and coincidental. That is because conventional monitoring systems passively observe the current system status, so, at best, you can watch a battery die.
The data from a fully developed BACS battery management system can tell you when:
The data required for the active control process, when precisely analyzed, can provide initial indications of, for instance, poor-quality charging current, unusual temperature fluctuations within a battery or premature voltage drops during the discharging process, unusually high internal resistance, etc.
Hidden damages are noticeable through a various number of small imperfections, which can normally also occur as random events and thus stay as an unrecognized problem. With the BACS®VIEWER and a bit of experience in analysis, the probability that an individual battery will fail can be determined and reliable statements can be made about the overall status of the system. As a bonus, you can use the tools to automatically generate a statistical report, including the status of a battery system.
Why only use it for BACS?
People involved in business management will love this tool:
The deep analysis is only one aspect in the collection of tools the BACS®VIEWER offers. Even without a BACS system, the tool can assist you in a number of ways, e.g.:
You can also flexibly…
… store documents with service reports, leaflets for on-site technicians, layout diagrams and battery information for each project.
… organize images of on-site inspections for warranty claims
… collect and manage project-specific correspondence
… specify invoices, warranty terms and emergency numbers
This valuable collection of tools assists you in organizing service tickets, working through maintenance tasks, planning maintenance windows and required specialists and much more.

For whom is this tool interesting?
The core function is intended for battery experts and technicians who require reliable information about the systems they manage. The technical customer service department will also love this powerful freeware tool because information about managed UPS solutions can be quickly and easily managed and organized even without BACS®.