Zubehörteile für Ihre BACS-Anlage
Die BACS Options erweitern eine BACS-Anlage um viele sinnvolle Zusatzfunktionen, mit der Sie die allgemeine Leistung Ihrer Anlage verbessern können.
Mit den BACS Options können Sie Klimaanlagen direkt ansteuern, die Qualität des Ladestroms überwachen, kontaktgesteuerte Feedback von anderen Systemen mit BACS-Kontrollmechanismen koppeln , und vieles mehr.
BACS Toolkit 12 Volt Version
Ord. No.: BACSTK4_12V

BACS_MNT_II, BACS_TPAD2, , BACS_TPAD3, BACS_TV3, FUSE CS141/BACS WEBMANAGER, RJ 10 Crimping Tool, BACS_STRIP3, BACS_STRIP4, BACS_STRIP5, BACSC20 Rev 3.x (10x), B4BCRJ10025 (5x), B4BCRJ1004 (5x), B4BCRJ1007 (5x), B4BCRJ1010 (2x), B4BCRJ1015 (2x), B4BCRJ1030 (2x), B4BCRJ1050 (1x), B4BCRJ10200 (20m), BC5-015M5 (2x), BC5-015M6 (2x), BC5-015M8 (2x), BC5-025M5 (4x), BC5-025M6 (4x), BC5-025M8 (4x), BC5-040M5 (4x), BC5-040M6 (4x), BC5-040M8 (4x), BC5-040M10 (2x), BC5-040M12 (2x), BACS_TS1L23 (5x), GEHPUFFER, Label for BACSKIT_B4, Label for BCII_SPLITT, Label for BUS_CONV_5, B2_RJ1010, B2_RJ10COUP, Power supply for CS141 SNMP Adapter (Available with EU, US, UK or AUS power supply).
BACS Toolkit 2-12 Volt Version
Ord. No.: BACSTK4_2-12V

BACS_MNT_II, BACS_TPAD2, , BACS_TPAD3, BACS_TV3, FUSE CS141/BACS WEBMANAGER, RJ 10 Crimping Tool, BACS_STRIP3, BACS_STRIP4, BACS_STRIP5, BACSC20 Rev 3.x (4x),BACSC30 Rev 3.x (4x), BACSC40 Rev 3.x (4x), B4BCRJ10025 (5x), B4BCRJ1004 (5x), B4BCRJ1007 (5x), B4BCRJ1010 (2x), B4BCRJ1015 (2x), B4BCRJ1030 (2x), B4BCRJ1050 (1x), B4BCRJ10200 (20m), BC5-015M5 (2x), BC5-015M6 (2x), BC5-015M8 (2x), BC5-025M5 (4x), BC5-025M6 (4x), BC5-025M8 (4x), BC5-040M5 (4x), BC5-040M6 (4x), BC5-040M8 (4x), BC5-040M10 (2x), BC5-040M12 (2x), BC4B040M5 (1x), BC4B040M6 (1x), BC4B040M8 (1x), BC4B040M10 (1x), BACS_TS1L23 (5x), GEHPUFFER, Label for BACSKIT_B4, Label for BCII_SPLITT, Label for BCII_SPLITT, Label for BUS_CONV_5, B2_RJ1010, B2_RJ10COUP, Power supply for CS141 SNMP Adapter (Available with EU, US, UK or AUS power supply).
BACS Bus Converter
Ord. No.: BUS_CONV_V

Construction: Conversion and galvanic separation of the BACS battery bus to the BACS WEBMANAGER BUDGET plus real time clock (RTC) timer for the BACS WEBMANAGER.
Power Supply: Stabilized external 12V/2000mA
Number of modules: : Standard Power supply grants power for up to 360 BACS C modules. For up to 510 Modules and sensors, a larger power supply is available.
Dimension: 91,5 x 67 x 25 (W x H x D)

Construction: Passive splitter for BACS communication cables, designed to optimize the overall cable lengths and to create an optical pleasant wiring. In addition to the extension of the 2 BACS bus inputs of the BACS CONVERTER.
Power Supply: Passive element, no additional power supply required
Interfaces: : 5* RJ10 for BACS bus cables, 1x RJ10 input connector for BACS bus data input
Dimension: 91,5 x 67 x 25 (W x H x D)
BACS Repeater
Ord. No.: BACS_REP

BACS Bus Interface
Ord. No.: GX_R_AUX

Switch Power Supply TRACOPOWER TCL 024-112 DC
Mounting Kit II
Ord. No.: PSKIT_18

Switch Power Supply TRACO TPC 030-112
Mounting Kit II
Ord. No.: PSKIT_90

BACS Profibus Converter

Ord. No.: SENSMCS121

Universal environmental datamanager for up to 8 temperatures, humidities, voltages, etc., up to 4 input alarm contacts, up to 4 output contacts - Optional module BACS WEBMANAGER, connection to COM2.
The SENSORMANAGER expands the BACS features to include external sensors, actuators and offers several options for actively monitoring the entire infrastructure around the UPS solution.
Bestell-Nr.: SM_T_COM

Messbereich: -25°C - +100°C, +/- 0,5%
Ausgangssignal: Serielles Protokoll (2400 Baud)
Betriebsspannung: 8 - 12V DC
Besonderheiten: Versorgung über Anschluss COM2 des CS141
Anschlusskabel: DB9 - Mini-DIN, 1.8m (im Lieferumfang) max.30m
Abmessungen: 70 x 70 x 27 mm (B x T x H)
Kombisensor für Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit
Bestell-Nr.: SM_T_H_COM

Messbereich / Temperatur: -25°C - +100°C, +/- 0,5%
Messbereich / Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 - 100% rel. L, +/- 2%
Ausgangssignal: Serielles Protokoll (2400 Baud)
Betriebsspannung: 8 - 12V DC
Besonderheiten: Versorgung über Anschluss COM2 des CS141
Anschlusskabel: DB9 - Mini-DIN, 1.8m (im Lieferumfang) max.30m
Abmessungen: 70 x 70 x 27 mm (B x T x H)
Hydrogen Sensor
Ord. No.: SM_H2_LC

Power Supply Voltage: 9 – 112V DC (stabilized)
Current Consumption: ca. 300mA max.
operating temperatur: 0 - 40 C
measurement accuracy: +/- 20% under calibration condotions (20 C, 1013 hPa, hum. 65%)
Max. measurable instantaneous hydrogen concentration: 100% LEL (<1min/30min)
AC & DC Current Sensors

Current sensors can provide a wide range of useful information about the discharging and charging currents within a UPS solution managed by a BACS. These additional sensors can, for instance, check the quality of the current flow: Irregularities in the current flow can indicate hidden defects that can negatively impact secondary batteries.
Ord. No.: SM_CSH50
AC & DC Current Sensor 50A
Ord. No.: SM_CSH200
AC & DC Current Sensor 200A
Ord. No.: SM_CSH400
AC & DC Current Sensor 400A
Ord. No.: SM_CSH1000
AC & DC Current Sensor 1000A
Ord. No.: SM_CSH2000
AC & DC Current Sensor 2000A
BACS Pads and Velcro Strips

BACS Pads for external temperatur sensor REV 2
Ord. No.: BACS_TPAD2
BACS Pads for external temperatur sensor REV 3
Ord. No.: BACS_TPAD3
BACS Pads for external temperatur sensor REV 3
BACS Velcro Strips for BACS modules V3
BACS Velcro Strips for BACS modules V3
Mounting Clips
Ord. No.: BACS_MNT

Der BACS Mounting Clip erlaub die einfache Montage an genormten DIN-Rails
BACS Module Mounting Clip
BACS Module mounting clip for DIN rails.

Sie benötigen weiteres Zubehör?
In Verbindung mit dem SENSORMANAGER können Sie dank der offenen Schnittstellen zahlreiche zusätzliche Module, Sensoren und Aktuatoren von Drittanbietern einbinden.
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